
Friday, June 1, 2012

Africa #1

In case you haven't heard, I'm going on a mission trip to South Africa and Zambia this summer!  We are in single digits, my friends!  Only 9 days left!  There is a new page called "Africa" that has some information on the trip (including my itinerary and flights) and how this all got started.  There are some helpful links at the bottom of the page.  You can get there by clicking on the tab at the top of this page.  I am so excited!  It's been sneaking up on me!  My last day of school is Friday, June 8th and I leave on Monday, June 11th.  It will be like any other Monday except, instead of going to school, I'll be boarding a flight to Dallas.  Crazy!
There is so much to do!  I'm shocked that I don't have my suitcase out yet.  There's still some shopping and wrapping up financial matters to do.  I have so many thank you notes to write!  I love that there are so many to write because it is a constant reminder of all the love and support all of you have poured out and God's provision.  From day one, I have been reminding myself that when God calls us, He will send us - He will provide all that is necessary to fulfill the calling.  Otherwise, why would He call?  He has shown Himself faithful time and again from the day I said "Yes, Lord" to today.  My parents said yes, He is providing all the money I need to go, surrounding me with people to encourage and celebrate with me, overcoming every obstacle.  $5,337 is a lot of money, but today, I am only about $100 from being fully funded.  Thanks be to God!  In addition to all the preparations for the trip, I'm working on finishing up my junior year of high school.  June 6: AP Calculus test, French written final, French Q&A final; June 7: Spring Choir Concert; June 8: AP US History project due, AP Language and Composition project due, Physics test, Physics final.  Fun stuff!  And the SAT is tomorrow!  I almost forgot.  It will all get done by the grace of God.   

So I know I'm leaving in 9 days, but I still feel oblivious.  I don't think the reality will hit me until I'm at least through SEA-TAC security... maybe not until I walk out of the airport in Johannesburg. 

There are so many things to look forward to, along with all the things I will miss.  I will miss my family, my kitty, my friends, and the people here who walk with my heart.  The 4th of July, family trips to Orcas Island, summer youth group.  I am so excited to have my birthday in Zambia!!! Best birthday ever!  I'll be surrounded by beautiful children that I will have the privilege of loving. 

I can't wait to meet my team!  We have been able to talk on facebook and skype to begin to get to know one another.  It has been such a blessing to be able to encourage and pray for one another, laugh and cry together (that sounds so cheesy, but it's true).

You can send me a message while I'm in Africa!  Click here to get to the page.  The link is also on the Africa page of this blog.  I will be updating this blog as much as possible while I am away, but it's not certain how often we will have internet access.  Our leaders will also be updating our facebook trip page with stories and pictures, so make sure you like it!  And.... one more :) I made my mom an administrator of the facebook group I created for the trip and she will be posting updates when she hears from me.  You are more than welcome to join!  Don't be shy! 

My brain is all over the place and I can't think of everything else I was going to say, so I'm going to stop rambling and do some homework.  I would love to answer any questions you may have, though!  Leave a comment, send me an email, text, facebook message, randomly show up at my house... :) Really, though, I love questions! 

Thank you so much for all the encouragement, support, and prayer!  It's amazing to have so many people invest in the work God has called me to this summer!

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